what we do
Sara was recording her first album Breathe, and it was a big deal of course, so she wanted to do it right. In music college she’d heard about IMRO and mentioned it to Pat.
He said he’d check it out and see what the process was. With a background in project management he found out about other collection agencies such as RAAP and PPI.
Pat proceeded to register and set Sara up on these platforms. Since then SAL has received income from recording and live gigs on a regular basis from these agencies.
Living in County Clare he started asking musicians if they were aware of this service and telling them about possibilities of income from original and recorded work.
Mulberry Music Services is now helping musicians with all their administrative needs and has expanded to include registering artists on Bandcamp and other digital platforms.
Mulberry Music Services is committed to helping musicians with IMRO, RAAP and PPI which in turn will give them an income stream alongside their gig and recording income.
We work closely with all our clients and provide a personalised service to suit each musician’s requirements. Give us a shout through the contact details on the site and we can have a chat about what we can do for you.